
sudden urge to make lists nowadays, example, stuffs to buy, eat, etc

then i thought of something,

why not list down the reasons why i'm still single. and why i'd like to stay single. (coz nobody wants me) and why being single ROCKS.
  1. freedom. do whatever i want, whenever i want. this includes the occasional shopping trips that could take 5-6 hours. cmon. which guy really enjoys shopping with his girl? unless he's gay of course.
  2. no necessary "i love you" texts/calls everyday. gosh this stuff takes up money AND time. and brain capacity. wth. i need those to survive a-levels. i ain't gonna spend it on some less than perfect guy.
  3. no need to watch him play dota/whatever games. or check on him if he's at the cc. guys. they could spend their whole day playing, which is tiring! but can't stand a few hours of shopping.
  4. never have to worry which bitch is plotting to steal the bf. or if the bf is cheating/lying.
  5. can go to school wearing anything you like! screw the school rules. screw what the bf says.
  6. guys won't ever understand my soulmate is a girl.
  7. also, the perfect guy is taken :( but there are many big fishes out there. not just guppies.
p.s : i just haven't met you yet.

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